Making your journey to get leaner, faster, and stronger easier and more efficient

With the constant barrage of media and information out there, it can be hard to sort through all the BS and make sense of it all.

That’s where we come in. Below you’ll find the latest on nutrition, training, health and everything else cardio. If you want real answers on these topics, you’ll need to come to our site. We’re not here to sell you anything and it’s not just one of those “look what we did over the weekend” blogs. We’re about getting you fit, getting you stronger and preparing you for your fitness goals.

funny man jumping-rope

That old jump rope would be a great idea for training with. The jump rope is going to be a major part in your workout program. I’ve been jumping with power for several months which is the first time in my life I’ve done this.


Disclaimer: All workouts are based on the research and the education of the author. We are not medical professionals. If you perform any of the workouts given on this website or plan on doing any of the workouts given on this website, we recommend that you work with a medical professional, if you have any questions regarding your workout program, please visit your health care practitioner. Please follow your personal physician’s advice.
