Self-belief is the key

If you are ready, then you are prepared. And if you are prepared, then you will be a winner.

Goals provide direction so you can get to the finish line, whether you’re in a race or in jump rope training. If you believe that you will win, you will win. It takes time for this belief to happen but it will happen. If you do the work out in the gym, and you train diligently, you will have this belief. You will have a belief that if you give it your best, that this is what you will get. You will get the win. You have a goal. It is to be a better athlete, to be a better man, to be a better jump roper.

jump rope

Goals, whether short-term or long term, are the things you want to accomplish. Goals provide direction so you can get to the finish line, whether you’re in a race or in jump rope training. Your goal is different for each of us and that’s one of the reasons why goals are different.


Your different goals are the reason you’re different, and that is, why you can improve your athletic ability; why you can improve your manhood; why you can improve your social skills; so why would it happen that you go to the moon and are a better astronaut; why would it be that you learn to play a new instrument and be able to play it better than you could play at first.


Goals differ in a way that, we can all achieve them but we have different ways of accomplishing them, and we can all have different fitness goals. If you need to make a change to your goals, then change them. If you need to focus on changing yourself, then focus on that.
